Eleigh Llaneras
I'm a travel addict.
Although I haven't really done a lot of travelling myself, I can probably say I'm obsessed with going places I've never been to, not to mention getting lost at times, but heck that's what adventure's all about. Aside from taking a lot of pictures, I also like discovering different cultures. I can't be in one place all my life. There's  huge world to explore. And in fulfillment of my personal motto of enjoying life at its best, as much as possible I would like to travel around the world and create a room dedicated to my travel memoirs in my future house. Also, I'm dreaming of setting up a travel blog someday.

As I said I've only been to a few places so far, but I have done a lot of research with my future prospects, which I'd like to visit--ONCE I GET FINANCIALLY CAPABLE.

I have traveled around Luzon in my 2nd year of college. Thing is, because of my crazy curiosity about the world, and the social need to boast about going places, I tagged along with a bunch of lawyers and their kids, who I'm not very close with, but who were offering me an opportunity. Since I was like "Hell yeah. Free tour." I took the opportunity and didn't enjoy that much as I wished I would. Travelling with people you don't really know a lot is really, for the lack of a better word, boring. You can't say, "Wait! I like to take more pictures." or "Wait! I'd like to explore this place more." or "C'mon. This place ain't that amusing. I wanna eat." since I was just tagging along and I literally have no right to complain or what.

I want to go back to these places plus a whole lot more with my family, boyfriend and friends. There.

Before I start exploring the world, I would like to conquer my motherland, the Philippines. And here's my list of  places to explore before I turn 22.

. .the ultimate beach paradise. .
. .the perfect laid back getaway. .

. .i wanna taste the chocolate hills. .
. .and look the tarsier straight in the eye. .

. .cool and green. .
. .i have been here already but i haven't explored thoroughly. .

. .another cool and green highland experience. .
. .i wanna ride the cable car. .

Puerto Galera
. .yep I like beaches. .
. .awesome picture right there. .

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