Eleigh Llaneras

I found this from somewhere in the world wide web.
And it actually surprised me that this could almost be the new reality when it comes to dating.
I mean, you see two handsome guys, and assume they're both gay and dating. You begin to wonder what if the "Bromance" thing was just a term they made up so people would stop assuming they're gay? Yet the mere thought of guys going out together and the liberation of the third sex, unfortunately it actually kind of makes people either speculate more or conclude they're gay, no questions asked.

A handsome dude and a beautiful chick tandem is more likely to break up says this diagram. 
There's a bit of truth in that although most couples would protest that it's love and not the physical features that keep them together. Bottom line is, They're both attractive and therefore prone to a lot more temptations, more fights and the imminent break up. Thus says a lot of chick flicks.

An ugly guy and an ugly chick will produce one beautiful child. One out of four kids would have all the desirable features their parents never had and their siblings never will. It's all based on genetics and I love that subject. Who cares? Nobody. 

The Hottie and the Naughty is the perfect example for ugly female/beautiful female BFFs thingy. Again, thus says a lot of chick flicks, and reality. Fact is, more often than not, pretty girls become the bestest of friends with butt ugly sidekicks so they'll look prettier, plus the guys would be a lot more challenged since they would have to go through the ugly girl to get to the pretty one, which is totally bogus on the part of the ugly girl. She's the truer friend among the two and the one more likely to find someone who truly loves her unlike the pretty girl whose hoohaa's the only thing douche bags crave for. 

If the girl is beautiful and the guy is ugly, that means the guy is rich and the girl simply loves shopping. And if it was the other way around, ugly girl and handsome guy, this simply means that the girl is nice and smart and the guy is a prick desperate to graduate or to get a life. This puts the sad stereotype that ugly people are not taken seriously. But this chemistry actually works for others. They even call it "True love" that they have fallen for each other beyond their exterior. Well, lucky ugly.

Pretty girls hate pretty girls just like thieves hate their co-workers while ugly females seen together are assumed as lesbians. Nuff said. 

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