I declare this day as DAY 1 of being an OFFICIAL BUM.
Seriously, the oDesk thing is so tedious. I couldn’t find a decent job there without worrying about the time and effort I’d be spending and the risk of getting underpaid and receiving a profane statement if I couldn’t deliver. And I’m starting to lose my drive with the transcription thing. I have two freaking 5 stars feedback there. I can literally apply to and get any job I want but I still believe there’s a job out there where I don’t get third party pay like what most contractors in oDesk and other online job outsourcing sites get. Same story, I end up refusing to apply at any job there while I continuously search for a site that needs a writer—that writer being able to enjoy writing or blogging and at the same time getting paid, definitely not the article-spinning one. I have prospects. I haven’t started with any.
I’m a girl lost in between choosing from ten thousand opportunities. In short, I’M CONFUSED.
To wait for something or to actually start doing something is what I need to figure out at this point. I’m so fired up with inspiration and ideas that I couldn’t start at anything and so I end up achieving nothing. Hello, Bum Life. I’m a registered nurse, at least I wouldn’t worry about my license like the others who have to take them again and again. However, out of the frying pan and into the fire I go. What do I do now? I have my own personal deadline of owning a house by the age 27. I somehow have to start doing something now. The only thing I really need is to set my priorities straight. Okay, here’s the bulk of stuff that keeps me nowhere and I’m going to rate them from 1 to 5, 5 being a top priority and 1 being a least priority. This rating would be based on the timeline, achievability, cost, pros and cons.
I want to write a nursing review book. Dr. Carl E. Balita’s review book is a piece of junk and I feel obliged to become a competition—for the betterment of future nurses and the thousands of helpless patients. But I can’t do that yet unless I get a decent bio. I’m not a cum laude. I have no master’s degree. I’m just an ordinary concerned registered nurse.
Timeline: 2 years
Achievability: 4
Cost: (printing, publication, and marketing) do the math.
Pros: It would be a lifetime production and income builder. It would save studying effort for nursing students. My book won’t give you any reason to fail since it would be simplified that even a preschool student can understand. I have the ideas, the references, the writing and design skills.
Cons: No budget. No decent bio. NO BUDGET.
Final Rating: 3
I want to apply for med school abroad. I have been Googling entrance exams, how to apply and requirements for medical schools like Oxford, etc… But same thing, I have no funds.
Timeline: 6 years
Achievability: 4
Cost: I need a sponsor or scholarship. Or a part-time job.
Pros: I really want to be a doctor and internationally, people don’t prefer doctors from random med schools here in the Philippines. And if I were asked I’d choose a reputable school in touch with the currently changing world. Plus it would be a great credential.
Cons: I have to wait for a sponsor. Or beg someone for help. Or get a good paying job. I have no budget.
Final Rating: 4
I want to go to Manila and work for experience. Not to get a life but JUST for an experience.
Timeline: 2 years
Achievability: 5
Cost: apartment and daily living can’t be supplied by my supposed monthly income.
Pros: 2 years experience can take me anywhere. Plus Atty. Realuyo is there to help.
Cons: I have to wait, do chores, and exist without an air conditioner or hi-speed internet connection. No stash, no Jollibee, no shopping. Life sucking at its worse for just an experience.
Final Rating: 5